Do Testosterone Boosters Work? – Facts that you should know

Do Testosterone Boosters Work

Do Testosterone Boosters Work, Testosterone supplements can help increase the hormone in your body, which could help increase your libido, but only if your decreased libido is linked to low testosterone levels. Certain lifestyle changes can also help.

Your lifestyle, current medications, and stress can affect your libido. But testosterone – the hormone that increases sexual desire, sperm production, bone density and muscle mass – could also play a role.

Due to lower testosterone, you may have less interest in sex or notice changes in your sexual performance. Both of these effects can impact your sexual relationships and your overall mental and physical well-being.

If you want to address unwanted changes in your libido or sex life, you may want to consider ways to promote testosterone production, such as testosterone treatment or natural stimulants and supplements.

What is a testosterone booster and Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in men and contributes to muscle mass, facial and body hair growth, libido and sperm production. The body naturally produces less testosterone from the age of 30 onwards.

Typical testosterone levels in men are 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), depending on age. Low testosterone levels can be due to age or health problems affecting the testicles, pituitary gland and thyroid. Other factors can also affect testosterone levels.

Testosterone is naturally higher in the morning and lower in the evening. Too much exercise, poor diet, medications and illnesses can also reduce the amount of testosterone in the body.

Testosterone boosters or testosterone enhancers are supplements taken to increase testosterone levels in the body. These products typically contain ingredients from traditional remedies such as fenugreek, zinc, maca, and ashwagandha.

Do Testosterone Boosters Work?

To date, little research has evaluated the effectiveness of testosterone supplements in improving libido.

In one study, researchers evaluated 50 different “Testosterone booster” supplements.

Study found that although 90% of these supplements claimed to increase testosterone production, only 24.8% had data to support those claims. Additionally, 10.1% of the supplements contained ingredients that appeared to negatively affect testosterone production.

Among the supplements evaluated, the products also contained vitamins and minerals that exceeded the FDA’s tolerable upper intake level. In other words, taking a daily dose of some of these supplements can pose a health risk.

If you want to try boosting your testosterone by taking a vitamin supplement, these tips may help:

Ask your doctor for a recommendation.

Do some research before choosing a product. Read labels to make sure the supplement does not contain vitamins or minerals that exceed the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Opt for third-party tested supplements.

Side Effects of testosterone boosters

Common ingredients in testosterone booster supplements can cause the following side effects:

Fenugreek: This supplement can cause low white blood cell counts, which can impact a person’s immune function.

Zinc: High levels of zinc can cause stomach upset, dizziness and headaches. Additionally, high zinc intake over a long period of time can interfere with copper and iron levels and impair immune function.

Maca: This supplement can cause hypertension, although more research is needed to study the safety of maca.

Ashwagandha: Taking large amounts of this supplement may cause diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

Vitamin B6 can cause nausea and heartburn if you take too much. Continued excessive consumption of vitamin B6 can also lead to difficulty controlling body movements.

Tribulus terrestris appears to have minimal side effects, although it can cause stomach cramps and reflux.

DIM can cause gas and headaches

People should not take testosterone boosters before seeking advice from a healthcare professional.

It is also important to inform healthcare providers of any supplements a person is taking in case they may interact with prescription or over-the-counter medications.

Natural ways to increase testosterone

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs says the following lifestyle changes can help improve testosterone levels naturally:

Maintain a moderate body weight: People should aim for a healthy body mass index (BMI). Find out how to calculate BMI.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet: A nutritious diet can help people maintain a moderate weight and reduce their risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes can lower a person’s testosterone levels.

Exercise regularly: Aerobic and anaerobic exercise can help a person maintain a healthy lifestyle, reduce the risk of cancer, and increase testosterone levels.

Quit smoking: If a person smokes, they should consider quitting. Tobacco reduces testosterone levels. Find out more about the best smoking cessation apps.

Moderate alcohol consumption: Alcohol causes the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Find out more about the best apps to stop drinking.

Avoid opioids: Opioids, such as morphine, can reduce testosterone levels. People should discuss stopping opioid use with their healthcare provider.

Avoid xenobiotics: These compounds can mimic hormones. People should avoid using BPA and phthalate plastics and may want to use organic ingredients.


What are typical testosterone levels?

Both men and women produce testosterone. Men generally have higher testosterone levels than women, and hormone levels change throughout life.

The typical testosterone range for men is between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL.

What else can you do to increase testosterone levels?

If testosterone supplements aren’t for you, you can increase testosterone levels naturally:

  • Sleep more and do physical activity
  • find healthy ways to manage stress or reduce stress levels
  • follow a balanced and nutritious diet

Are testosterone supplements safe for everyone?

Most people can safely take high-quality supplements containing minerals and vitamins such as zinc and vitamin B6.

However, it is important not to exceed the recommended dose, as excessive amounts of some vitamins and minerals can have side effects. Ask your doctor about the potential risks and benefits before taking testosterone supplements.

Are Testosterone Boosters Effective for Erectile Dysfunction?

Yes, testosterone boosters can help with erectile dysfunction. An increased amount of testosterone in the body improves blood flow to the penis and increases libido.

Do testosterone boosters work on women?

Yes, when taken in the right amount, testosterone boosters can improve bone density, muscle mass and libido in women.