Refund and return policy


We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If your order does not meet your expectations, we can replace it or credit your account, in accordance with the conditions below. You can return any product within 90 days of purchase if it is unopened and in its original packaging. You can send your returned items to one of our warehouses.

We will refund your payment in full using the same method you used to place your order. Within three business days of receiving the returned items, you will receive a full refund fewer shipping cost (unless, of course, it was our error). Sorry, we cannot accept any items returned after 90 days of purchase.

  • Place returned items in sturdy packaging. Make sure all items are well packed and secure. We are not responsible for any breakages that occur during return shipping.
  • Indicate whether you prefer a refund or an exchange of goods.
  • You have to mail us on [email protected] for return.
  • Make a copy of the order form that came with your original order, mark the items you are returning and place them in the return package.
  • Use the email address provided by our email address once we have received your refund request.
  • We will refund your purchase within three business.

If you wish to return 12 or more units of the same item, there will be a 15% replacement rate due to inventory control and expiration limits for each.

When returning items from an order previously qualified for free shipping, $5.95 will be deducted from the full refund if the value of the new order (excluding return shipping costs) is less than $49.