Instructions for Self-Injected Testosterone Intramuscular (IM) Injection, Testosterone injections are administered as isolated testosterone. It is a hormone present in both men and women. However, its levels are significantly higher in men. As it stands, testosterone injection therapy is gaining popularity for the well-being of American men. However, it is important that before you start injecting, you understand how to inject testosterone and the mistakes you should not make while doing so.
Testosterone treatment in men
Your doctor may have recommended testosterone injections if your testosterone levels are low. This occurs when the testes produce insufficient amounts, and this condition is known as hypogonadism.
A lack of testosterone in the body can have several adverse effects. These include decreased sperm count, reduced muscle or bone mass, accumulation of body fat, and erectile dysfunction.
The normal level of total testosterone in the blood of a healthy adult male ranges from 240 to 950 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl).
The goal of testosterone treatment may include the following:
- Better sexual activity
- Improved muscle strength and lean mass
- Elevated mood
- Improved cognitive activity
- Probable reduction in osteoporosis
How to self-inject testosterone?
Testosterone injections must be administered into the body intramuscularly.
You can choose one of two modes:
- Self-administration of injections at home. This can be done using a home injection kit to inject testosterone into the thigh.
- Have them injected into the gluteal muscle by a doctor at clinic.
Your doctor will recommend the duration of treatment. You may need check-ups every week or every few months, and treatments may be short-term or last longer depending on your needs.
Self-administered testosterone injection
Testosterone injections usually come in the form of testosterone cypionate. Its available concentration is 100 mg/ml and 200 mg/ml.
Steps for Testosterone Injection
- Use a sterile needle and syringe. Use a needle with a thicker bore (20 or 21 gauge), as testosterone has a thicker inconsistency.
- Wash your hands thoroughly to avoid any risk of infection.
- Take the dose from the medicine bottle. Draw air into the syringe. Insert the needle into the bottle. Turn the bottle upside down. First, push all the air from the syringe into the bottle, then draw up the medicine according to the dose recommended by your doctor.
- Remove the syringe from the medicine bottle containing the required dose.
- Unclog the needle from the syringe, point it upwards, and look for air bubbles. Tap the syringe and lightly press the plunger to remove any bubbles.
- We generally recommend taking the testosterone injection in one of three locations on the body.
- Gluteal muscles in the buttocks
- Thigh muscles.
- Deltoid (upper arm)
- While self-administered testosterone injections can be performed in various locations, these areas are the most commonly used.
- First, clean the injection site with a sterile alcohol swab and insert the needle completely into the skin at 90 degrees. Pull the plunger back slightly to make sure there is no blood. The needle is in a vein if you see blood in the syringe. In this case, remove the syringe and insert it into another muscle point. Press the plunger and inject the loaded medication when no blood is drawn.
- After the injection, take out the syringe and press the injection site with a cotton ball to prevent blood from flowing out, and secure it with a bandage.
- Finally, make sure to dispose of the used needle and syringe properly. Store the medicine at the recommended temperature
Tips for reducing injection pain
• Inject the medicine at room temperature.
• Remove any air bubbles from the syringe before injection.
• Let your skin dry after using the alcohol wipes before the injection.
• Keep the muscles in the injection area relaxed.
• Swiftly puncture the skin with the needle.
• Do not change the direction of the needle when entering or exiting.
• Do not reuse disposable needles.
Mistakes to avoid when injecting testosterone
Doctors and patients commonly make mistakes when using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). These may include:
1. Use a Testosterone Replacement Modality That Doesn’t Meet Your Needs
Many doctors prescribe a similar TRT procedure to all patients. Some only use injectables, while others prescribe gels and creams. However, not all shapes suit all lifestyles. Some people feel more comfortable with gels, while others can take injections. Even with injections, frequent trips to the doctor may not be right for everyone. These people need to learn self-administered testosterone injections.
Choose a doctor who is an experienced practitioner of TRT and can prescribe it based on your personality and lifestyle needs. Failure to do so could result in poor compatibility with therapy and unsatisfactory results.
2. Using an incorrect dose.
Administering the right dose and frequency is essential to obtain clear results. The dose that works for one individual may not work for another, depending on different body types and sizes. Therefore, it is largely not a single dose. Your doctor should analyse which dose is right for you and recommend it accordingly.
3. Turn testosterone Cycling on and off.
Some people think that testosterone should be taken in cycles. While this may be partly true for anabolic steroid users, this is not the case for TRT. During TRT, the testicles reduce or stop producing testosterone. The sudden cessation of testosterone injections is not good news for the well-being of American men and comes with several side effects. These include reduced or no libido, weight gain, and depression.
Therefore, during TRT, you should constantly stay in touch with a reliable and experienced doctor who gradually reduces the dose once the desired effects are achieved.
4. Poor management of side effects
The possible side effects of TRT are not very serious but should be managed appropriately. These effects include hair thinning, acne, irritability, or increased prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or hematocrit levels.
Failing to deal with these side effects will only trap you in another set of problems while trying to eliminate one. For example, inadequate monitoring of estrogen levels can lead to the development of male breast tissue called gynecomastia, excess body fat, and a decline in mental changes. It is therefore essential to know how to manage these adverse events.
To manage them, dosage adjustment, change in route of administration, and/or administration of additional medications or creams may be necessary. Look for the most proficient testosterone treatment in Las Vegas that can deliver outlandish results for your condition.
5. Other errors
Additionally, excessive alcohol consumption, not exercising, and poor lifestyle habits are also mistaking you should avoid with testosterone treatment. Compliance and choosing the right doctor are the two crucial elements of TRT for significant improvement in the well-being of American men.